New Testament Women From the Bible Every Child Should Know
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash
There are many women in the Bible that shaped the course of history. Their stories were used to help fulfill God’s redemption plan and further His ministry here on earth. Unfortunately, many of these women only showed up for a few verses in the Bible, but the impact they made during their time on earth was significant.
Previously, we looked into the lives of key women influencers from the Old Testament. Moving forward, the New Testament inspires us with a new background of Biblical times where women were still not revered as equals to men. And yet we know they made significant impacts in the Bible. There were women who followed Jesus during his ministry, women who helped build the early church, and women who served both up front and behind the scenes in pivotal ways.
There is something special about studying about the women of the Bible with our children. Not only do we get to see a glimpse of God’s holy and perfect character at work, we see how his heart truly loves and uses his people equally. God utilized women to play central roles in a time where it was faux pas to give females positions of influence.
Children will be able to see that we serve a God who does not overlook nor doubt us for our age, gender or social status. He has fearfully and wonderfully created us in his image and for his purpose. These women from the Bible also teach us what it looks like to live for Christ in real and practical ways. They sacrificed, they gave, and they served with their own two hands to further God’s kingdom–and their stories model how we can teach our children to live for Christ today. So let’s take a look at some key female figures from the New Testament that can inspire us and our kids.
Mary–Mother of Jesus
Mary’s story can be found in Matthew, Luke & John
Chosen by God as a young teenager to give birth to Jesus
A virgin, who miraculously conceived in her womb
A young woman who had faith in the Lord
God’s redemption story of the awaited Messiah comes through Mary
Mary teaches us
People had been waiting for thousands of years for the coming Messiah and Mary was carrying him in her womb. As we all know, Mary was just a young teenager, faithfully following the Lord, and minding her own business. Her reaction to the news of becoming pregnant with the Messiah was met with fear, praise, and obedience. We can see how human she really was, but also how faithful she was to follow God’s commands. Mary’s psalm of praise in the Bible points to her affection for the Lord and her depth of knowledge of the Old Testament. She humbly praised God and carried out the calling to which he placed on her life. Children can see God’s grace shine through Mary’s life, as a young girl who was obedient, loved the Lord, and who was willing to faithfully serve.
The Women at the Tomb–Witnesses of Jesus’ Resurrection
The women at the tomb can be found in Matthew, Mark, Luke & John
Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and John, and perhaps other women came to Jesus’ tomb 3 days after his burial
The women were the first eyewitnesses to Jesus’ resurrection
Jesus called Mary Magdalene by name when he appeared
News of Jesus’ resurrection spread to the disciples and beyond from these women
The women at the tomb teach us
We can see how God used these women in part of his redemption plan. Women were not considered legal witnesses at the time, and yet God had other plans. The Pharisees were already suspicious of the followers of Jesus tampering with his tomb, and yet God chose Mary Magdalene, a woman with a dark past to bear witness to his resurrection. He took what was seemingly the least credible source to be the source of this miraculous and glorious moment. These women show us that we are all equal in the eyes of Jesus who has redeemed us with his grace. Children can see that Jesus does judge our worth by how perfect, holy, or good we try to be–because our worth is found in him. He chose “the least” of the time to be the eyes and mouth to spread the good news to the world.
Priscilla–A tent maker
Priscilla’s story can be found in Romans and Acts
Priscilla and her husband were both leaders of the early church
Traveled and shared the gospel with Paul on his missionary journeys
Discipled and taught Apollos who would later have a great impact on the church
Risked her life to save Paul
Priscilla teaches us
Priscilla and her husband Aquila were dedicated servants to the Lord and the building of the early church. We are able to see Priscilla’s example of a working woman who also served the Lord in furthering his ministry. Her day job was running a tent making business with her husband, but we also know that she accompanied Paul on his missionary journey to Syria and studied scripture. Priscilla became a driving force in training the early church and she is one of the very few females that seemed to receive equal recognition as her husband in scripture. She models what it looks like to choose to serve the Lord in your daily life. She was faithful to her duties and her acts of service were no short list. We can learn from Priscilla’s legacy that if we choose to faithfully serve with what we have and dedicate our time and efforts to the Lord, he will use us to accomplish great things.
Lydia–Generous businesswoman
Lydia’s story can be found in Acts
A business woman in Philippi (modern day Greece)
Converted to Christianity during Paul’s missionary journey and baptized the same day along with her entire family
Known for her hospitality which helped further Paul’s mission in spreading the gospel
Lydia teaches us
We see from Lydia’s life that a faithful and willing servant is all God needs. Lydia happened to have lots of resources because she was a successful woman who sold purple cloth. She was able to use her resources to support Paul and Timothy during their missionary journeys in Europe. Being one of the first converts in the region, her hospitality to Paul and Timothy helped propel them forward in spreading the gospel. She gave what she had and opened up her home to serve the Lord. We can learn from Lydia to use what the Lord has given us to be used for his glory. There is no such thing as an offering that is too small when it is given with a generous heart. Children can be encouraged that they can make a difference as long as they are open and ready to do the Lord’s work.
Mary & Martha–Friends of Jesus
Mary & Martha’s story can be found in Matthew, Mark, Luke & John
Sisters of Lazarus
Dear friends and followers of Jesus
Mary & Martha teach us
Mary, Martha and their brother Lazarus were close to Jesus as friends, but also worshiped him as their savior and king.
Martha was a doer through and through. Although she used her acts of service and hospitality to serve Jesus, we are reminded that Jesus didn’t want all of that–he just wants us to spend time with him. Martha reminds us what it looks like to get caught up in working hard for the Lord and how it’s important to not be so anxious, but instead follow Mary’s lead more often by sitting in the Lord’s presence.
Mary shows us what unashamed worship looks like. She was often at the feet of Jesus–and she demonstrated one of the most extravagant acts of worship we see in scripture, which was washing Jesus’ feet with her hair and an expensive jar of perfume. These sisters teach us that spending time with Jesus and humbly worshiping is worth more than all the “works” we could do.
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