Take a Look Inside the Curriculum
3rd Grade
Meteorologist. Map-maker. Storyteller. Citizen. PCPA’s 3rd Grade curriculum invites your child to “live the lessons” while exploring the world through Science, Social Studies, English Language Arts, Math, Bible, Art & PE.
With our detailed Lessons as their guide, third graders will:
Explore the elements of narrative through the fables, folktales, and myths of diverse cultures.
Understand how geography informs how we live by studying different regions and cultures of the U.S.
Study our three branches of government and the meaning of citizenship
Apply basic economic concepts in engaging projects.
Develop logical reasoning and engineering design skills while investigating the principles of force and motion and the life cycles of plants.
Continue to build math skills learned in 2nd Grade, and begin work with fractions, two-step word problems, multiplication, and shapes.
What’s included
Pathway Virtual Instructor Videos
Quick Checks – auto-graded assessments to gauge understanding
Math In Focus Grade 3 e-text and Digi+
Pearson ReadyGen Library e-texts
Pearson ReadyGen Text Collection e-texts
HMH Science Dimensions Grade 3 e-text
HMH ScienceFusion Virtual Labs
HMH Science Dimensions You Solve It Simulations
BrainPOP Jr. Interactive Activities
Discovery Education STREAMING Videos
MyMath Digital Resources
Legends of Learning Games
Pathway Brite Bible Curriculum
Courses & Sample Videos
3rd ELA
Students read cross-curricular texts to increase subject knowledge and practice complex phonics concepts. They write daily and compose an advertisement about an extreme place to live.
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GK Text Selections & Rationale
Digital Text & BrainPOP Jr
3rd Math
Lessons employ active digital resources such as a digital place-value chart, used with base-ten blocks to model addition and subtraction, and a digital beam balance to practice mental math and estimation. Students learn about angles and lines, polygons, and area and perimeter by designing a wildlife sanctuary.
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3rd Social Studies
Students develop ideas for helping their communities and starting their own business. Project-based learning helps students grasp the concepts of economics. Students learn about civics by developing and implementing a community service project.
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BrainPOP Jr & Discovery Ed
Elementary Bible
Students will discover Jesus through the Bible, apply God’s word to their lives, and develop a Biblical worldview in this course. They will study both the Old Testament and New Testament through engaging lessons rooted in Biblical truths. Topics of study include the creation of the earth, the promised land, kings, Jesus’ life and ministry, and church letters.
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3rd Science
Virtual labs provide an opportunity for students to practice gathering evidence and defending their claims. The Grade 3 curriculum weaves S.T.E.M. skills into lessons to spark a child’s curiosity about these fields. Students learn about plant and animal reproduction, inheritance, and life cycles by devising a plan to save the bee population.
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Dimensions & Science Fusion
3rd Art & Picture
Budding artists learn drawing skills using lines, light sources, and motion while discussing and analyzing famous works of art.
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3rd PE
Children learn about warm-up and cool down, water safety, goal setting, nutrition, muscle strength and flexibility and are required to participate in regular physical activity. Activity library included!
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